Was staying at my grandmother's banglo/semi-D house at Desa Park City,

The night before that...(08.02.09) we had a reunion dinner for chap goh meh... because everyone is most like not free on monday, we held it on a sunday, where everyone can go home late because the next day is a holiday...
Me and 2 of my cousins were hanging round the play ground there... we were like the oldest people there ! Wth.
We stayed there because the playground was SERIOUSLY cool. I mean SERIOUSLY.

So we were hanging around there till 8pm... went coffee bean , chatted till 9+

Saw that or not...! Mr.Justin okay!
Went back to the house. Gambled abit.. and then slept..
So, 09.02.09
Woke up at 9.30 ++
Ate breakfast with cousins and family, went to 1u with them around 12... to buy my cousins present for his valentine.
(I did not buy )
Ate lunch at burger king... bla bla bla... went back to the house...
Had dinner with my mom's side of the family.. gambled again, played around again but this time it couldn't be that late cause most of us need to go school/work the next day..
Called it a day at 10, went home, slept!
That was the last day of CNY =(